Tuesday, November 18, 2008

OK, I'll admit it.

I want an iPhone.

For those of you not in the know, this is a big admission for me. It's also a bit of an oversimplification.

When the device first came out, I was interested in it purely for the fact that it was a true video playing iPod. I didn't care about the phone part, as I had a perfectly serviceable phone with a wireless carrier that despite my objections over their business practices, delivered the best coverage.

I was one of many people wondering where the phoneless iPhone was and getting a little annoyed at the foot dragging it took to get here. Once it did show up, I was disappointed (I'm hard to please) that the capacity was so low. I have a 60 GB 5G iPod that has served me well for coming up on 3 years now. First off, I couldn't justify getting a new media device when my old one was perfectly good. Second, I couldn't go from 60 GB to 16 GB. I am a media hoarder and like to have it on me at all times. So paying $400 for a new player, no matter how shiny it was, was out of the question. Even when the capacity was bumped to 32 GB.

That all changed when the Mail and Microsoft Exchange support was added. Once this was added, I knew that it would be a more practical device. I had been talking with Sylvia about this and we ended up getting one for her for Mail and internet access. Once it was set up, it worked wonderfully. This got me more fired up to get an iPod Touch. I have been wanting a PDA for quite some time, and the implementation was nearly perfect. With the additions of apps and the App Store, the ability to have it serve multiple purposed expanded.

The only problem I have is connectivity. The iPhone uses cellular data to allow a connection wherever there is cell reception. The iPod Touch has wifi only, which is fine, but sometimes I find myself wishing that there were a more ubiquitous connection.

That's the only reason I want the iPhone: the constant connection to the internet. The ability to use an ever widening amount of applications dependent on connectivity. I guess I'll hold out until WiMAX comes ashore.


Brigitte Valdez said...

iphones suck! I got it for the needing the internet reason too, and, trust me, it's not worth it. I have never had such shitty reception in my life.

Brandon said...

Well, I guess the spirit of what I was saying is that I want a more widespread internet connectivity and some sort of Mobile Internet Device to access it. Over-The-Air broadband in this country blows. Plus, AT&T doesn't have the best 3G network in the US. That would belong to Verizon. Unfortunately, the technologies aren't compatible.


Brigitte Valdez said...
