Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm not moving to Australia

When it comes to the internet, it seems more and more like our friends down under have people in charge that either don't know or don't care how it works. From overly aggressive content filtering to low broadband speeds, I didn't think it could get any worse. They love to prove me wrong. They will now be starting trials to block all Bittorrent traffic to and from the nation continent.

Bittorrent is a protocol for transmitting data. Essentially, you have data broken up into pieces and sent to users. In turn, each user transmits a portion of the data to the next user and so on. It takes the strain of downloading a file and spreads it out over all the people downloading it. A very good method of transporting large files. Unfortunately, it has caught a bad rap because it has become the favorite tool for software and media pirates. Now, the knee jerk reaction for people ignorant of the technology is to marry the protocol with the illegal acts.

So the country of Australia now suffers from lack of knowledge their public servants have regarding the internet. I'm sorry for my friends over there. I can only hope that someone sets them right before the country is irreparbly damaged.

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