Monday, December 8, 2008

You're killing me, Nintendo!

A few months back, during a family gathering, my mom had her first encounter with the Nintendo Wii. The whole group ended up playing Wii Sports which amounted to me versus everyone else. My mom and I ended up bowling together and she got a real kick out of it. She's been talking about the Wii ever since. For some context, this is the person that thought my Dreamcast was "Dreamcatcher" and thought PlayStation was a Chuck E Cheese's competitor.

Needless to say, I was juiced that my mom liked a video game system, even if it was only the one game. So after she had independently brought it up on multiple occasions, I figure I have the perfect Christmas present lined up. Then started the near impossible mission of tracking one down.

It has been nearly 2 years since Nintendo released the Wii and I would have a much easier time tracking down Bigfoot than I would getting my hands on a Wii. I'm not discounting it's popularity, but this seemingly artificial scarcity is perplexing. Coupling that with the fact that most of the ones you can indeed buy are only available with a bundle makes for a much harder sell. Why spend $100 more on the bundle when the base system has just what I need?

I am not surrendering though. Thankfully, the parents are going to Barbados (I know, right?) and Christmas will be taking place in January. Plenty of time to track one down. I hope.

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